Lucio's Rambles

Procrastinating on Fun

My goal for today was to go to the beach. Without getting into too much detail, for the past two~ weeks I've been healing from a medical operation that necessitated reapplying a bandage every 24 hours and not entering any non-shower body of water out of concern for infection. In these two weeks I've also moved within walking distance of the beach, so I told myself that the day I heal enough to be able to go to the beach, I am doing that.

I've healed and stopped applying the bandage, so it was time to go to the beach first thing in the morning.

I wake up early at 7 am (well, early for lil' ol' unemployed me), get out of bed, and decide to read a book. I haven't read in a while and keep wanting to do that so I decide I'll get that out of the way early in the day. Afterwards I make breakfast, wash the dishes, and realize my bedsheets are fairly messy. "Huh, how long since I washed those?" It's probably a good time to do the laundry, honestly. I can leave it running in the background while I do other things so it's not like it'd interfere too much with my plans. I'll leave it running while I head out, no worries.

I then remember I bought a new microwave cover because this apartment didn't have one. "I should clean the microwave before anyone else wakes up then," I posit. I finish doing that and go back to my room. Just so we're all clear - I am doing all of this in bathing trunks and without having showered.

" know," I think, "I've been procrastinating on installing a cable holder for my table. It'd free up a lot of space for my legs. I should go do that." I remove everything from my table, flip it over, drill some holes and organize my cables. I flip it back, put everything together, and wow is it a joy to sit at my computer now.

Right, right, the beach.

But how long until laundry is due? If there's only a few minutes I might aswell do that first right? I check, only 20 min on the clock, I should probably just watch a show in the meanwhile. I put on an episode of gravity falls, and move my laundry from the washing machine to the dryer.

It is now 11:30 AM. The dryer is running, and I am still not at the beach. This is far from the first time I've done something like this, to the point where I've been accused of having some flavor of adhd numerous times by friends. I am capable of doing many tasks at great efficiency and skill, just never the task that's at the top of the priority list.

Before you ask - yes, writing this blogpost is another method of procrastinating on going to the beach. Oops.

#personal life